
In general MLJLinearModels tries to use "reasonable defaults" for solvers. You may want to pick something else particularly if your data is extreme in some way (e.g. very noisy, or very large).

Only some solvers are appropriate for some models (see models) for a list.


Analytical solver (Cholesky). If the iterative parameter is set to true then a CG solver is used. The CG solver is matrix-free and should be preferred in "large scale" cases (when the hat matrix X'X is "big").


  • iterative (Bool): whether to use CG (iterative) or not
  • max_inner (Int): in the iterative mode, how many inner iterations to do.

Newton solver. This is a full Hessian solver and should be avoided for "large scale" cases.

optim_options are the general Optim Options. newton_options are the options of Newton's method


using MLJLinearModels, Optim

solver = MLJLinearModels.Newton(
    optim_options = Optim.Options(time_limit = 20),
    newton_options = (linesearch = Optim.LineSearches.HagerZhang()),)

Newton CG solver. This is the same as the Newton solver except that instead of solving systems of the form H\b where H is the full Hessian, it uses a matrix-free conjugate gradient approach to solving that system. This should generally be preferred for larger scale cases.

optim_options are the general Optim Options. newtoncg_options are the options of Krylov Trust Region method


using MLJLinearModels, Optim

solver = MLJLinearModels.NewtonCG(
    optim_options = Optim.Options(time_limit = 20),
    newtoncg_options = (eta = 0.2,)

Proximal Gradient solver for non-smooth objective functions.


  • accel (Bool): whether to use Nesterov-style acceleration
  • max_iter (Int): number of overall iterations
  • tol (Float64): tolerance for the relative change θ ie norm(θ-θ_)/norm(θ)
  • max_inner: number of inner steps when searching for a stepsize in the backtracking step
  • beta: rate of shrinkage in the backtracking step (between 0 and 1)

Iteratively Reweighted Least Square with Conjugate Gradient. This is the standard (expensive) IWLS but with more efficient solves to avoid full matrix computations.


  • max_iter (Int): number of max iterations (outer)
  • max_inner (Int): number of iterations for the CG solves
  • tol (Float64): tolerance for the relative change θ ie norm(θ-θ_)/norm(θ)
  • damping (Float64): how much to trust iterates (1=full trust)
  • threshold (Float64): threshold for the residuals