Quick start

Using MLJLinearModels by itself

The package works by

  1. specifying the kind of model you want along with its hyper-parameters,
  2. calling fit with that model and the data: fit(model, X, y).

The convention in this package is that the feature matrix has dimensions $n \times p$ where $n$ is the number of records (points) and $p$ is the number of features (dimensions).

Below we show an example of regression and an example of classification.


The lasso regression corresponds to a l2-loss function with a l1-penalty:

\[\theta_{\text{Lasso}} = \frac12\|y-X\theta\|_2^2 + \lambda\|\theta\|_1\]

which you can create as follows:

n = 500
p = 5
X = randn(n, p)
y = randn(n)
λ = 0.7
lasso = LassoRegression(λ)
theta = fit(lasso, X, y)

By default this fits an intercept so that the dimension of theta in the example above is p+1, the last element being the intercept.

So if you wanted to compute the RMSE norm of the residuals you would do

r = y - hcat(X, ones(n)) * theta
e = sqrt(sum(abs2.(r)) / n)

You can also just compute the objective:

o = objective(lasso, X, y) # function of theta
o(theta) # value at the theta obtained from the fit



The convention in this package for binary classification is that the entries of $y$ are $\{\pm 1\}$ while for multiclass classification the entries of $y$ are $\{1,\dots,c\}$ where c is the number of classes. If you use MLJ you won't have to think about this.

Here's an example for a logistic classifier (binary classification) with a standard L2 regularisation:

n = 500
p = 5
X = randn(n, p)
y = 2 * (rand(n) .< 0.5) .- 1   # entries are +-1
λ = 0.5
logistic = LogisticRegression(λ)
theta = fit(logistic, X, y)

The process for a multiclass classification is identical (you can either call LogisticRegression or MultinomialRegression it will lead to the same model). The only difference is that the encoding of the target is expected to be {1, ..., c} where c is the number of classes.

Note that for a multiclass classification, theta is a vector of dimension $p \times c$ or $(p+1)\times c$ depending on whether an intercept is fitted or not. To make sense of that vector you can reshape it as follows (assuming no intercept is fitted):

W = reshape(theta, p, c)

where W is a matrix with each column corresponding to each of the c classes. If you needed to predict using that matrix you would do $XW$ which would give you a matrix of size $n \times p$ on which you could apply a softmax for each row to get a score per class for each instance (i.e. a normalised matrix of size $n\times p$ where you can interpret the entry $(i,j)$ as the score attributed by the model to example i to belong in class j).

Using MLJLinearModels with MLJ

Using MLJLinearModels in the context of MLJ allows to benefit from tools for encoding data, dealing with missing values, keeping track of class labels, doing hyper-parameter tuning, composing models, etc.

In order to load a model from MLJLinearModels you need to call @load model_name pkg=MLJLinearModels where model_name follows the MLJ conventions and is one of

  • (Regression): LinearRegressor, RidgeRegressor, LassoRegressor, ElasticNetRegressor, RobustRegressor, HuberRegressor, QuantileRegressor, LADRegressor
  • (Classification): LogisticClassifier, MultinomialClassifier

Note that the names are slightly different (ending in Regressor or Classifier).

Check out the MLJ documentation or at the MLJ Tutorials for more information on MLJ itself.


Let's fit a simple Huber regression on the boston dataset.

using MLJ
@load HuberRegressor pkg=MLJLinearModels

X, y = @load_boston
mdl = HuberRegressor()
mach = machine(mdl, X, y)
params = fitted_params(mach)

params.coefs # coefficient of the regression with names
params.intercept # intercept

MLJ makes it seamless to do prediction as well:

ypred = predict(mach, X)


Let's fit a simple multiclass classifier on the Iris dataset

using MLJ
@load MultinomialClassifier pkg=MLJLinearModels

X, y = @load_iris
mdl = MultinomialClassifier(lambda=0.5, gamma=0.7)
mach = machine(mdl, X, y)
params = fitted_params(mach)

params.coefs # coefficients of the regression
params.intercept # intercepts

Note: for a multiclass classification like the one above, each class gets its own model so for instance params.intercept has 3 values, likewise params.coefs.sepal_length has 3 values.

Predictions are easy too, note that this is a probabilistic model: it returns scores per class:

ypred = predict(mach, X)

That first element is a UnivariateFinite distribution object which keeps track of each class labels (setosa, versicolor, virginica) and a score for each class (in my case: 0.991, 0.009 and 0).

You can collapse that to a single prediction if you would like using predict_mode:

ypred = predict_mode(mach, rows=1:2)

Which, in my case, gives setosa, setosa (correct in both cases).

Customizing the solvers

Depending on your data you may want to customize the default solver associated with your model. Since this package uses Optim behind the scene, we can interact directly with this package.

For instance, you may need to be more stringent about the convergence criterion of the LBFGS solver. This can be done by changing the general Optim f_tol parameter which defaults to $10^{-4}$:

import Optim

new_optim_options = Optim.Options(f_tol=1e-6)
mdl = MultinomialClassifier(solver=LBFGS(optim_options=new_optim_options))
mach = machine(mdl, X, y)

You could also just try another solver:

mdl = MultinomialClassifier(solver=NewtonCG(optim_options=new_optim_options))
mach = machine(mdl, X, y)

For a full description of available solvers and API, see: Solvers.