Implementing a data front-end


It is suggested that packages implementing MLJ's model API, that later implement a data front-end, should tag their changes in a breaking release. (The changes will not break the use of models for the ordinary MLJ user, who interacts with models exclusively through the machine interface. However, it will break usage for some external packages that have chosen to depend directly on the model API.)

MLJModelInterface.reformat(model, args...) -> data
MLJModelInterface.selectrows(::Model, I, data...) -> sampled_data

Models optionally overload reformat to define transformations of user-supplied data into some model-specific representation (e.g., from a table to a matrix). Computational overheads associated with multiple fit!/predict/transform calls (on MLJ machines) are then avoided when memory resources allow. The fallback returns args (no transformation).

The selectrows(::Model, I, data...) method is overloaded to specify how the model-specific data is to be subsampled, for some observation indices I (a colon, :, or instance of AbstractVector{<:Integer}). In this way, implementing a data front-end also allows more efficient resampling of data (in user calls to evaluate!).

After detailing formal requirements for implementing a data front-end, we give a Sample implementation. A simple implementation also appears in the MLJDecisionTreeInterface.jl package.

Here "user-supplied data" is what the MLJ user supplies when constructing a machine, as in machine(models, args...), which coincides with the arguments expected by fit(model, verbosity, args...) when reformat is not overloaded.

Overloading reformat is permitted for any Model subtype, except for subtypes of Static. Here is a complete list of responsibilities for such an implementation, for some model::SomeModelType (a sample implementation follows after):

  • A reformat(model::SomeModelType, args...) -> data method must be implemented for each form of args... appearing in a valid machine construction machine(model, args...) (there will be one for each possible signature of fit(::SomeModelType, ...)).

  • Additionally, if not included above, there must be a single argument form of reformat, reformat(model::SomeModelType, arg) -> (data,), serving as a data front-end for operations like predict. It must always hold that reformat(model, args...)[1] = reformat(model, args[1]).

The fallback is reformat(model, args...) = args (i.e., slurps provided data).

Important. reformat(model::SomeModelType, args...) must always return a tuple, even if this has length one. The length of the tuple need not match length(args).

  • fit(model::SomeModelType, verbosity, data...) should be implemented as if data is the output of reformat(model, args...), where args is the data an MLJ user has bound to model in some machine. The same applies to any overloading of update.

  • Each implemented operation, such as predict and transform - but excluding inverse_transform - must be defined as if its data arguments are reformated versions of user-supplied data. For example, in the supervised case, data_new in predict(model::SomeModelType, fitresult, data_new) is reformat(model, Xnew), where Xnew is the data provided by the MLJ user in a call predict(mach, Xnew) (mach.model == model).

  • To specify how the model-specific representation of data is to be resampled, implement selectrows(model::SomeModelType, I, data...) -> resampled_data for each overloading of reformat(model::SomeModel, args...) -> data above. Here I is an arbitrary abstract integer vector or : (type Colon).

Important. selectrows(model::SomeModelType, I, args...) must always return a tuple of the same length as args, even if this is one.

The fallback for selectrows is described at selectrows.

Sample implementation

Suppose a supervised model type SomeSupervised supports sample weights, leading to two different fit signatures, and that it has a single operation predict:

fit(model::SomeSupervised, verbosity, X, y)
fit(model::SomeSupervised, verbosity, X, y, w)

predict(model::SomeSupervised, fitresult, Xnew)

Without a data front-end implemented, suppose X is expected to be a table and y a vector, but suppose the core algorithm always converts X to a matrix with features as rows (each record corresponds to a column in the table). Then a new data-front end might look like this:

constant MMI = MLJModelInterface

# for fit:
MMI.reformat(::SomeSupervised, X, y) = (MMI.matrix(X)', y)
MMI.reformat(::SomeSupervised, X, y, w) = (MMI.matrix(X)', y, w)
MMI.selectrows(::SomeSupervised, I, Xmatrix, y) =
        (view(Xmatrix, :, I), view(y, I))
MMI.selectrows(::SomeSupervised, I, Xmatrix, y, w) =
        (view(Xmatrix, :, I), view(y, I), view(w, I))

# for predict:
MMI.reformat(::SomeSupervised, X) = (MMI.matrix(X)',)
MMI.selectrows(::SomeSupervised, I, Xmatrix) = (view(Xmatrix, :, I),)

With these additions, fit and predict are refactored, so that X and Xnew represent matrices with features as rows.