
resampler = Resampler(
    repeats = 1,

Private method. Use at own risk.

Resampling model wrapper, used internally by the fit method of TunedModel instances and IteratedModel instances. See evaluate! for meaning of the options. Not intended for use by general user, who will ordinarily use evaluate! directly.

Given a machine mach = machine(resampler, args...) one obtains a performance evaluation of the specified model, performed according to the prescribed resampling strategy and other parameters, using data args..., by calling fit!(mach) followed by evaluate(mach).

On subsequent calls to fit!(mach) new train/test pairs of row indices are only regenerated if resampling, repeats or cache fields of resampler have changed. The evolution of an RNG field of resampler does not constitute a change (== for MLJType objects is not sensitive to such changes; see is_same_except).

If there is single train/test pair, then warm-restart behavior of the wrapped model resampler.model will extend to warm-restart behaviour of the wrapper resampler, with respect to mutations of the wrapped model.

The sample weights are passed to the specified performance measures that support weights for evaluation. These weights are not to be confused with any weights bound to a Resampler instance in a machine, used for training the wrapped model when supported.

The sample class_weights are passed to the specified performance measures that support per-class weights for evaluation. These weights are not to be confused with any weights bound to a Resampler instance in a machine, used for training the wrapped model when supported.