

Wrap the specified supervised model in the specified iteration controls. Here model should support iteration, which is true if (iteration_parameter(model) is different from nothing.

Available controls: Step(), Info(), Warn(), Error(), Callback(), WithLossDo(), WithTrainingLossesDo(), WithNumberDo(), Data(), Disjunction(), GL(), InvalidValue(), Never(), NotANumber(), NumberLimit(), NumberSinceBest(), PQ(), Patience(), Threshold(), TimeLimit(), Warmup(), WithIterationsDo(), WithEvaluationDo(), WithFittedParamsDo(), WithReportDo(), WithMachineDo(), WithModelDo(), CycleLearningRate() and Save().


To make out-of-sample losses available to the controls, the wrapped model is only trained on part of the data, as iteration proceeds. The user may want to force retraining on all data after controlled iteration has finished by specifying retrain=true. See also "Training", and the retrain option, under "Extended help" below.

Extended help


  • controls=Any[IterationControl.Step(1), EarlyStopping.Patience(5), EarlyStopping.GL(2.0), EarlyStopping.TimeLimit(Dates.Millisecond(108000)), EarlyStopping.InvalidValue()]: Controls are summarized at but query individual doc-strings for details and advanced options. For creating your own controls, refer to the documentation just cited.
  • resampling=Holdout(fraction_train=0.7): The default resampling holds back 30% of data for computing an out-of-sample estimate of performance (the "loss") for loss-based controls such as WithLossDo. Specify resampling=nothing if all data is to be used for controlled iteration, with each out-of-sample loss replaced by the most recent training loss, assuming this is made available by the model (supports_training_losses(model) == true). If the model does not report a training loss, you can use resampling=InSample() instead. Otherwise, resampling must have type Holdout or be a vector with one element of the form (train_indices, test_indices).
  • measure=nothing: StatisticalMeasures.jl compatible measure for estimating model performance (the "loss", but the orientation is immaterial - i.e., this could be a score). Inferred by default. Ignored if resampling=nothing.
  • retrain=false: If retrain=true or resampling=nothing, iterated_model behaves exactly like the original model but with the iteration parameter automatically selected ("learned"). That is, the model is retrained on all available data, using the same number of iterations, once controlled iteration has stopped. This is typically desired if wrapping the iterated model further, or when inserting in a pipeline or other composite model. If retrain=false (default) and resampling isa Holdout, then iterated_model behaves like the original model trained on a subset of the provided data.
  • weights=nothing: per-observation weights to be passed to measure where supported; if unspecified, these are understood to be uniform.
  • class_weights=nothing: class-weights to be passed to measure where supported; if unspecified, these are understood to be uniform.
  • operation=nothing: Operation, such as predict or predict_mode, for computing target values, or proxy target values, for consumption by measure; automatically inferred by default.
  • check_measure=true: Specify false to override checks on measure for compatibility with the training data.
  • iteration_parameter=nothing: A symbol, such as :epochs, naming the iteration parameter of model; inferred by default. Note that the actual value of the iteration parameter in the supplied model is ignored; only the value of an internal clone is mutated during training the wrapped model.
  • cache=true: Whether or not model-specific representations of data are cached in between iteration parameter increments; specify cache=false to prioritize memory over speed.


Training an instance iterated_model of IteratedModel on some data (by binding to a machine and calling fit!, for example) performs the following actions:

  • Assuming resampling !== nothing, the data is split into train and test sets, according to the specified resampling strategy.
  • A clone of the wrapped model, model is bound to the train data in an internal machine, train_mach. If resampling === nothing, all data is used instead. This machine is the object to which controls are applied. For example, Callback(fitted_params |> print) will print the value of fitted_params(train_mach).
  • The iteration parameter of the clone is set to 0.
  • The specified controls are repeatedly applied to train_mach in sequence, until one of the controls triggers a stop. Loss-based controls (eg, Patience(), GL(), Threshold(0.001)) use an out-of-sample loss, obtained by applying measure to predictions and the test target values. (Specifically, these predictions are those returned by operation(train_mach).) If resampling === nothing then the most recent training loss is used instead. Some controls require both out-of-sample and training losses (eg, PQ()).
  • Once a stop has been triggered, a clone of model is bound to all data in a machine called mach_production below, unless retrain == false (true by default) or resampling === nothing, in which case mach_production coincides with train_mach.


Calling predict(mach, Xnew) in the example above returns predict(mach_production, Xnew). Similar similar statements hold for predict_mean, predict_mode, predict_median.

Controls that mutate parameters

A control is permitted to mutate the fields (hyper-parameters) of train_mach.model (the clone of model). For example, to mutate a learning rate one might use the control

Callback(mach -> mach.model.eta = 1.05*mach.model.eta)

However, unless model supports warm restarts with respect to changes in that parameter, this will trigger retraining of train_mach from scratch, with a different training outcome, which is not recommended.

Warm restarts

In the following example, the second fit! call will not restart training of the internal train_mach, assuming model supports warm restarts:

iterated_model = IteratedModel(
    controls = [Step(1), NumberLimit(100)],
mach = machine(iterated_model, X, y)
fit!(mach) ## train for 100 iterations
iterated_model.controls = [Step(1), NumberLimit(50)],
fit!(mach) ## train for an *extra* 50 iterations

More generally, if iterated_model is mutated and fit!(mach) is called again, then a warm restart is attempted if the only parameters to change are model or controls or both.

Specifically, train_mach.model is mutated to match the current value of iterated_model.model and the iteration parameter of the latter is updated to the last value used in the preceding fit!(mach) call. Then repeated application of the (updated) controls begin anew.