Kinds of Target Proxy

The available kinds of target proxy are classified by subtypes of LearnAPI.KindOfProxy. These types are intended for dispatch only and have no fields.


Abstract type whose concrete subtypes T each represent a different kind of proxy for some target variable, associated with some algorithm. Instances T() are used to request the form of target predictions in predict calls.

See LearnAPI.jl documentation for an explanation of "targets" and "target proxies".

For example, Distribution is a concrete subtype of LearnAPI.KindOfProxy and a call like predict(model, Distribution(), Xnew) returns a data object whose observations are probability density/mass functions, assuming algorithm supports predictions of that form.

Run LearnAPI.CONCRETE_TARGET_PROXY_TYPES to list all options.

LearnAPI.IID <: LearnAPI.KindOfProxy

Abstract subtype of LearnAPI.KindOfProxy. If kind_of_proxy is an instance of LearnAPI.IID then, given data constisting of $n$ observations, the following must hold:

  • ŷ = LearnAPI.predict(model, kind_of_proxy, data...) is data also consisting of $n$ observations.

  • The $j$th observation of , for any $j$, depends only on the $j$th observation of the provided data (no correlation between observations).

See also LearnAPI.KindOfProxy.


Simple target proxies (subtypes of LearnAPI.IID)

typeform of an observation
LearnAPI.LiteralTargetsame as target observations
LearnAPI.Sampleableobject that can be sampled to obtain object of the same form as target observation
LearnAPI.Distributionexplicit probability density/mass function whose sample space is all possible target observations
LearnAPI.LogDistributionexplicit log-probability density/mass function whose sample space is possible target observations
LearnAPI.Probabilitynumerical probability or probability vector
LearnAPI.LogProbabilitylog-probability or log-probability vector
LearnAPI.Parametrica list of parameters (e.g., mean and variance) describing some distribution
LearnAPI.LabelAmbiguouscollections of labels (in case of multi-class target) but without a known correspondence to the original target labels (and of possibly different number) as in, e.g., clustering
LearnAPI.LabelAmbiguousSampleablesampleable version of LabelAmbiguous; see Sampleable above
LearnAPI.LabelAmbiguousDistributionpdf/pmf version of LabelAmbiguous; see Distribution above
LearnAPI.ConfidenceIntervalconfidence interval
LearnAPI.Setfinite but possibly varying number of target observations
LearnAPI.ProbabilisticSetas for Set but labeled with probabilities (not necessarily summing to one)
LearnAPI.SurvivalFunctionsurvival function
LearnAPI.SurvivalDistributionprobability distribution for survival time
LearnAPI.OutlierScorenumerical score reflecting degree of outlierness (not necessarily normalized)
LearnAPI.Continuousreal-valued approximation/interpolation of a discrete-valued target, such as a count (e.g., number of phone calls)

† Provided for completeness but discouraged to avoid ambiguities in representation.

Table of concrete subtypes of LearnAPI.IID <: LearnAPI.KindOfProxy.

When the proxy for the target is a single object

In the following table of subtypes T <: LearnAPI.KindOfProxy not falling under the IID umbrella, it is understood that predict(model, ::T, ...) is not divided into individual observations, but represents a single probability distribution for the sample space $Y^n$, where $Y$ is the space the target variable takes its values, and n is the number of observations in data.

type Tform of output of predict(model, ::T, data...)
LearnAPI.JointSampleableobject that can be sampled to obtain a vector whose elements have the form of target observations; the vector length matches the number of observations in data.
LearnAPI.JointDistributionexplicit probability density/mass function whose sample space is vectors of target observations; the vector length matches the number of observations in data
LearnAPI.JointLogDistributionexplicit log-probability density/mass function whose sample space is vectors of target observations; the vector length matches the number of observations in data

Table of LearnAPI.KindOfProxy subtypes not subtyping LearnAPI.IID