Lab 8 - Tree-based models
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using MLJ
import RDatasets: dataset
using PrettyPrinting
import DataFrames: DataFrame, select, Not
DTC = @load DecisionTreeClassifier pkg=DecisionTree
carseats = dataset("ISLR", "Carseats")
first(carseats, 3) |> pretty
import MLJDecisionTreeInterface ✔
│ Sales │ CompPrice │ Income │ Advertising │ Population │ Price │ ShelveLoc │ Age │ Education │ Urban │ US │
│ Float64 │ Float64 │ Float64 │ Float64 │ Float64 │ Float64 │ CategoricalValue{String, UInt8} │ Float64 │ Float64 │ CategoricalValue{String, UInt8} │ CategoricalValue{String, UInt8} │
│ Continuous │ Continuous │ Continuous │ Continuous │ Continuous │ Continuous │ Multiclass{3} │ Continuous │ Continuous │ Multiclass{2} │ Multiclass{2} │
│ 9.5 │ 138.0 │ 73.0 │ 11.0 │ 276.0 │ 120.0 │ Bad │ 42.0 │ 17.0 │ Yes │ Yes │
│ 11.22 │ 111.0 │ 48.0 │ 16.0 │ 260.0 │ 83.0 │ Good │ 65.0 │ 10.0 │ Yes │ Yes │
│ 10.06 │ 113.0 │ 35.0 │ 10.0 │ 269.0 │ 80.0 │ Medium │ 59.0 │ 12.0 │ Yes │ Yes │
We encode a new variable High
based on whether the sales are higher or lower than 8 and add that column to the dataframe:
High = ifelse.(carseats.Sales .<= 8, "No", "Yes") |> categorical;
carseats[!, :High] = High;
Let's now train a basic decision tree classifier for High
given the other features after one-hot-encoding the categorical features:
X = select(carseats, Not([:Sales, :High]))
y = carseats.High;
HotTreeClf = OneHotEncoder() |> DTC()
mdl = HotTreeClf
mach = machine(mdl, X, y)
Note |>
is syntactic sugar for creating a Pipeline
model from component model instances or model types. Note also that the machine mach
is trained on the whole data.
ypred = predict_mode(mach, X)
misclassification_rate(ypred, y)
That's right... it gets it perfectly; this tends to be classic behaviour for a DTC to overfit the data it's trained on. Let's see if it generalises:
train, test = partition(eachindex(y), 0.5, shuffle=true, rng=333)
fit!(mach, rows=train)
ypred = predict_mode(mach, rows=test)
misclassification_rate(ypred, y[test])
Not really...
Let's try to do a bit of tuning
r_mpi = range(mdl, :(decision_tree_classifier.max_depth), lower=1, upper=10)
r_msl = range(mdl, :(decision_tree_classifier.min_samples_leaf), lower=1, upper=50)
tm = TunedModel(
ranges=[r_mpi, r_msl],
resampling=CV(nfolds=5, rng=112),
mtm = machine(tm, X, y)
fit!(mtm, rows=train)
ypred = predict_mode(mtm, rows=test)
misclassification_rate(ypred, y[test])
We can inspect the parameters of the best model
max_depth = 5,
min_samples_leaf = 22,
min_samples_split = 2,
min_purity_increase = 0.0,
n_subfeatures = 0,
post_prune = false,
merge_purity_threshold = 1.0,
display_depth = 5,
feature_importance = :impurity,
rng = Random._GLOBAL_RNG())
DTR = @load DecisionTreeRegressor pkg=DecisionTree
boston = dataset("MASS", "Boston")
y, X = unpack(boston, ==(:MedV))
train, test = partition(eachindex(y), 0.5, shuffle=true, rng=551);
import MLJDecisionTreeInterface ✔
ScientificTypesBase.Table{Union{AbstractVector{ScientificTypesBase.Continuous}, AbstractVector{ScientificTypesBase.Count}}}
Let's recode the Count as Continuous and then fit a DTR
X = coerce(X, autotype(X, rules=(:discrete_to_continuous,)))
dtr_model = DTR()
dtr = machine(dtr_model, X, y)
fit!(dtr, rows=train)
ypred = MLJ.predict(dtr, rows=test)
round(rms(ypred, y[test]), sigdigits=3)
Again we can try tuning this a bit, since it's the same idea as before, let's just try to adjust the depth of the tree:
r_depth = range(dtr_model, :max_depth, lower=2, upper=20)
tm = TunedModel(
resampling=CV(nfolds=5, rng=1254),
mtm = machine(tm, X, y)
fit!(mtm, rows=train)
ypred = MLJ.predict(mtm, rows=test)
round(rms(ypred, y[test]), sigdigits=3)
Note: the package DecisionTree.jl
also has a RandomForest model but it is not yet interfaced with in MLJ.
RFR = @load RandomForestRegressor pkg=MLJScikitLearnInterface
rf_mdl = RFR()
rf = machine(rf_mdl, X, y)
fit!(rf, rows=train)
ypred = MLJ.predict(rf, rows=test)
round(rms(ypred, y[test]), sigdigits=3)
import MLJScikitLearnInterface ✔
XGBR = @load XGBoostRegressor
xgb_mdl = XGBR(num_round=10, max_depth=10)
xgb = machine(xgb_mdl, X, y)
fit!(xgb, rows=train)
ypred = MLJ.predict(xgb, rows=test)
round(rms(ypred, y[test]), sigdigits=3)
import MLJXGBoostInterface ✔
Again we could do some tuning for this.