Lab 6b - Ridge and Lasso regression
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regression to the Hitters R dataset.
using MLJ
import RDatasets: dataset
using PrettyPrinting
import Distributions as D
LinearRegressor = @load LinearRegressor pkg = MLJLinearModels
RidgeRegressor = @load RidgeRegressor pkg = MLJLinearModels
LassoRegressor = @load LassoRegressor pkg = MLJLinearModels
import MLJLinearModels ✔
import MLJLinearModels ✔
import MLJLinearModels ✔
We load the dataset using the dataset
function, which takes the Package and dataset names as arguments.
hitters = dataset("ISLR", "Hitters")
@show size(hitters)
names(hitters) |> pprint
size(hitters) = (322, 20)
Let's unpack the dataset with the unpack
function. In this case, the target is Salary
); and all other columns are features, going into a table X
y, X = unpack(hitters, ==(:Salary));
The target has missing values which we will just ignore. We extract the row indices corresponding to non-missing values of the target. Note the use of the element-wise operator .
no_miss = .!ismissing.(y);
We collect the non missing values of the target in an Array.
# And keep only the corresponding features values.
y = collect(skipmissing(y))
X = X[no_miss, :];
# Let's now split our dataset into a train and test sets.
train, test = partition(eachindex(y), 0.5, shuffle = true, rng = 424);
Let's have a look at the target.
using Plots
seriestype = :scatter,
markershape = :circle,
legend = false,
size = (800, 600),
Plot{Plots.GRBackend() n=1}
// Image matching '/assets/isl/lab-6b/code/ISL-lab-6-g1.svg' not found. //
That looks quite skewed, let's have a look at a histogram:
histogram(y, bins = 50, normalize = true, label = false, size = (800, 600))
edfit = D.fit_mle(D.Exponential, y)
xx = range(minimum(y), 2500, length = 100)
yy = pdf.(edfit, xx)
label = "Exponential distribution fit",
linecolor = :orange,
linewidth = 4,
Most features are currently encoded as integers but we will consider them as continuous. To coerce int
features to Float
, we nest the autotype
function in the coerce
function. The autotype
function returns a dictionary containing scientific types, which is then passed to the coerce
function. For more details on the use of autotype
, see the Scientific Types
Xc = coerce(X, autotype(X, rules = (:discrete_to_continuous,)))
│ names │ scitypes │ types │
│ AtBat │ Continuous │ Float64 │
│ Hits │ Continuous │ Float64 │
│ HmRun │ Continuous │ Float64 │
│ Runs │ Continuous │ Float64 │
│ RBI │ Continuous │ Float64 │
│ Walks │ Continuous │ Float64 │
│ Years │ Continuous │ Float64 │
│ CAtBat │ Continuous │ Float64 │
│ CHits │ Continuous │ Float64 │
│ CHmRun │ Continuous │ Float64 │
│ CRuns │ Continuous │ Float64 │
│ CRBI │ Continuous │ Float64 │
│ CWalks │ Continuous │ Float64 │
│ League │ Multiclass{2} │ CategoricalValue{String, UInt8} │
│ Division │ Multiclass{2} │ CategoricalValue{String, UInt8} │
│ PutOuts │ Continuous │ Float64 │
│ Assists │ Continuous │ Float64 │
│ Errors │ Continuous │ Float64 │
│ NewLeague │ Multiclass{2} │ CategoricalValue{String, UInt8} │
There're a few features that are categorical which we'll one-hot-encode.
Let's first fit a simple pipeline with a standardizer, a one-hot-encoder and a basic linear regression:
model = Standardizer() |> OneHotEncoder() |> LinearRegressor()
pipe = machine(model, Xc, y)
fit!(pipe, rows = train)
ŷ = MLJ.predict(pipe, rows = test)
round(rms(ŷ, y[test])^2, sigdigits = 4)
Let's get a feel for how we're doing
res = ŷ .- y[test]
line = :stem,
ylims = (-1300, 1000),
linewidth = 3,
marker = :circle,
legend = false,
size = ((800, 600)),
hline!([0], linewidth = 2, color = :red)
ylabel!("Residual (ŷ - y)")
bins = 30,
normalize = true,
color = :green,
label = false,
size = (800, 600),
xlims = (-1100, 1100),
xx = range(-1100, 1100, length = 100)
ndfit = D.fit_mle(D.Normal, res)
lfit = D.fit_mle(D.Laplace, res)
plot!(xx, pdf.(ndfit, xx), linecolor = :orange, label = "Normal fit", linewidth = 3)
plot!(xx, pdf.(lfit, xx), linecolor = :magenta, label = "Laplace fit", linewidth = 3)
xlabel!("Residual (ŷ - y)")
Let's now swap the linear regressor for a Ridge one without specifying the penalty (1
by default): We modify the supervised model in the pipeline directly.
pipe.model.linear_regressor = RidgeRegressor()
fit!(pipe, rows = train)
ŷ = MLJ.predict(pipe, rows = test)
round(rms(ŷ, y[test])^2, sigdigits = 4)
Ok that's a bit better but perhaps we can do better with an appropriate selection of the hyperparameter.
What penalty should you use? Let's do a simple CV to try to find out:
r = range(
lower = 1e-2,
upper = 100,
scale = :log10,
tm = TunedModel(
ranges = r,
tuning = Grid(resolution = 50),
resampling = CV(nfolds = 3, rng = 4141),
measure = rms,
mtm = machine(tm, Xc, y)
fit!(mtm, rows = train)
best_mdl = fitted_params(mtm).best_model
round(best_mdl.linear_regressor.lambda, sigdigits = 4)
Right, and with that we get:
ŷ = MLJ.predict(mtm, rows = test)
round(rms(ŷ, y[test])^2, sigdigits = 4)
This is a poorer result, but that's not a complete surprise. To optimize lambda
we've sacrificed some data (for the cross-validation), and we only have 263 observations total.
Again visualizing the residuals:
res = ŷ .- y[test]
line = :stem,
xlims = (1, length(res)),
ylims = (-1400, 1000),
linewidth = 3,
marker = :circle,
legend = false,
size = ((800, 600)),
hline!([0], linewidth = 2, color = :red)
ylabel!("Residual (ŷ - y)")
You can compare that with the residuals obtained earlier.
Let's do the same as above but using a Lasso model (which also has a regularization parameter named lambda
) but adjust the range a bit:
mtm.model.model.linear_regressor = LassoRegressor()
mtm.model.range = range(
lower = 5,
upper = 1000,
scale = :log10,
fit!(mtm, rows = train)
best_mdl = fitted_params(mtm).best_model
round(best_mdl.linear_regressor.lambda, sigdigits = 4)
Ok and let's see how that does:
ŷ = MLJ.predict(mtm, rows = test)
round(rms(ŷ, y[test])^2, sigdigits = 4)
A pretty similar result to the previous one. Notice the parameters are reasonably sparse, as expected with an L1-regularizer:
coefs, intercept = fitted_params(mtm.fitresult).linear_regressor
@show coefs
@show intercept
coefs = [:AtBat => 0.0, :Hits => 0.0, :HmRun => 0.0, :Runs => 80.40015930942874, :RBI => 0.0, :Walks => 36.6049645672927, :Years => 0.0, :CAtBat => 0.0, :CHits => 140.60728207753112, :CHmRun => 0.0, :CRuns => 0.0, :CRBI => 31.867523911834482, :CWalks => 0.0, :League__A => -0.0, :League__N => 0.0, :Division__E => 27.70854396180883, :Division__W => -4.630908982486915, :PutOuts => 57.19149084176147, :Assists => 0.0, :Errors => -0.0, :NewLeague__A => -0.0, :NewLeague__N => 0.0]
intercept = 532.1112460767633
with around 50% sparsity:
coef_vals = [c[2] for c in coefs]
sum(coef_vals .≈ 0) / length(coefs)
Let's visualise this:
# name of the features including one-hot-encoded ones
all_names = [:AtBat, :Hits, :HmRun, :Runs, :RBI, :Walks, :Years,
:CAtBat, :CHits, :CHmRun, :CRuns, :CRBI, :CWalks,
:League__A, :League__N, :Div_E, :Div_W,
:PutOuts, :Assists, :Errors, :NewLeague_A, :NewLeague_N]
idxshow = collect(1:length(coef_vals))[abs.(coef_vals).>0]
xticks = (idxshow, all_names),
legend = false,
xrotation = 90,
line = :stem,
marker = :circle,
size = ((800, 700)),
hline!([0], linewidth = 2, color = :red)
For this baby dataset, simple ridge regression, with default hyperparameters, appears to work best. Of course, without a deeper analysis, we cannot say the differences observed are statistically significant. For this small data set, it's doubtful.