Lab 3 - Linear Regression
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essentially serves as a unified path to many existing Julia packages each of which provides their own functionalities and models, with their own conventions.
The simple linear regression demonstrates this. Several packages offer it (beyond just using the backslash operator): here we will use MLJLinearModels
but we could also have used GLM
, ScikitLearn
To load the model from a given package use @load ModelName pkg=PackageName
using MLJ
LinearRegressor = @load LinearRegressor pkg=MLJLinearModels
import MLJLinearModels ✔
Note: in order to be able to load this, you must have the relevant package in your environment, if you don't, you can always add it (using Pkg; Pkg.add("MLJLinearModels")
Let's load the boston data set
import RDatasets: dataset
import DataFrames: describe, select, Not, rename!
boston = dataset("MASS", "Boston")
first(boston, 3)
3×14 DataFrame
Row │ Crim Zn Indus Chas NOx Rm Age Dis Rad Tax PTRatio Black LStat MedV
│ Float64 Float64 Float64 Int64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Int64 Int64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64
1 │ 0.00632 18.0 2.31 0 0.538 6.575 65.2 4.09 1 296 15.3 396.9 4.98 24.0
2 │ 0.02731 0.0 7.07 0 0.469 6.421 78.9 4.9671 2 242 17.8 396.9 9.14 21.6
3 │ 0.02729 0.0 7.07 0 0.469 7.185 61.1 4.9671 2 242 17.8 392.83 4.03 34.7
Let's get a feel for the data
describe(boston, :mean, :std, :eltype)
14×4 DataFrame
Row │ variable mean std eltype
│ Symbol Float64 Float64 DataType
1 │ Crim 3.61352 8.60155 Float64
2 │ Zn 11.3636 23.3225 Float64
3 │ Indus 11.1368 6.86035 Float64
4 │ Chas 0.06917 0.253994 Int64
5 │ NOx 0.554695 0.115878 Float64
6 │ Rm 6.28463 0.702617 Float64
7 │ Age 68.5749 28.1489 Float64
8 │ Dis 3.79504 2.10571 Float64
9 │ Rad 9.54941 8.70726 Int64
10 │ Tax 408.237 168.537 Int64
11 │ PTRatio 18.4555 2.16495 Float64
12 │ Black 356.674 91.2949 Float64
13 │ LStat 12.6531 7.14106 Float64
14 │ MedV 22.5328 9.1971 Float64
So there's no missing value and most variables are encoded as floating point numbers. In MLJ it's important to specify the interpretation of the features (should it be considered as a Continuous feature, as a Count, ...?), see also this tutorial section on scientific types.
Here we will just interpret the integer features as continuous as we will just use a basic linear regression:
data = coerce(boston, autotype(boston, :discrete_to_continuous));
Let's also extract the target variable (MedV
y = data.MedV
X = select(data, Not(:MedV));
Let's declare a simple multivariate linear regression model:
mdl = LinearRegressor()
fit_intercept = true,
solver = nothing)
First let's do a very simple univariate regression, in order to fit it on the data, we need to wrap it in a machine which, in MLJ, is the composition of a model and data to apply the model on:
X_uni = select(X, :LStat) # only a single feature
mach_uni = machine(mdl, X_uni, y)
trained Machine; caches model-specific representations of data
model: LinearRegressor(fit_intercept = true, …)
1: Source @147 ⏎ ScientificTypesBase.Table{AbstractVector{ScientificTypesBase.Continuous}}
2: Source @949 ⏎ AbstractVector{ScientificTypesBase.Continuous}
You can then retrieve the fitted parameters using fitted_params
fp = fitted_params(mach_uni)
@show fp.coefs
@show fp.intercept
fp.coefs = [:LStat => -0.950049353757991]
fp.intercept = 34.553840879383095
You can also visualise this
using Plots
plot(X.LStat, y, seriestype=:scatter, markershape=:circle, legend=false, size=(800,600))
Xnew = (LStat = collect(range(extrema(X.LStat)..., length=100)),)
plot!(Xnew.LStat, MLJ.predict(mach_uni, Xnew), linewidth=3, color=:orange)
The multivariate case is very similar
mach = machine(mdl, X, y)
fp = fitted_params(mach)
coefs = fp.coefs
intercept = fp.intercept
for (name, val) in coefs
println("$(rpad(name, 8)): $(round(val, sigdigits=3))")
println("Intercept: $(round(intercept, sigdigits=3))")
Crim : -0.108
Zn : 0.0464
Indus : 0.0206
Chas : 2.69
NOx : -17.8
Rm : 3.81
Age : 0.000692
Dis : -1.48
Rad : 0.306
Tax : -0.0123
PTRatio : -0.953
Black : 0.00931
LStat : -0.525
Intercept: 36.5
You can use the machine
in order to predict values as well and, for instance, compute the root mean squared error:
ŷ = MLJ.predict(mach, X)
round(rms(ŷ, y), sigdigits=4)
Let's see what the residuals look like
res = ŷ .- y
plot(res, line=:stem, linewidth=1, marker=:circle, legend=false, size=((800,600)))
hline!([0], linewidth=2, color=:red) # add a horizontal line at x=0
Maybe that a histogram is more appropriate here
histogram(res, normalize=true, size=(800,600), label="residual")
Let's say we want to also consider an interaction term of lstat
and age
taken together. To do this, just create a new dataframe with an additional column corresponding to the interaction term:
X2 = hcat(X, X.LStat .* X.Age);
So here we have a DataFrame with one extra column corresponding to the elementwise products between :LStat
and Age
. DataFrame gives this a default name (:x1
) which we can change:
rename!(X2, :x1 => :interaction);
Ok cool, now let's try the linear regression again
mach = machine(mdl, X2, y)
ŷ = MLJ.predict(mach, X2)
round(rms(ŷ, y), sigdigits=4)
We get slightly better results but nothing spectacular.
Let's get back to the lab where they consider regressing the target variable on lstat
and lstat^2
; again, it's essentially a case of defining the right DataFrame:
X3 = hcat(X.LStat, X.LStat.^2) |> MLJ.table
mach = machine(mdl, X3, y)
ŷ = MLJ.predict(mach, X3)
round(rms(ŷ, y), sigdigits=4)
which again, we can visualise:
Xnew = (LStat = Xnew.LStat, LStat2 = Xnew.LStat.^2)
plot(X.LStat, y, seriestype=:scatter, markershape=:circle, legend=false, size=(800,600))
plot!(Xnew.LStat, MLJ.predict(mach, Xnew), linewidth=3, color=:orange)