Ensemble models 2
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This tutorial builds upon the previous ensemble tutorial with a home-made Random Forest regressor on the "boston" dataset.
using MLJ
using PrettyPrinting
using StableRNGs
import DataFrames: DataFrame, describe
X, y = @load_boston
sch = schema(X)
p = length(sch.names)
describe(y) # From DataFrames
Summary Stats:
Length: 506
Missing Count: 0
Mean: 22.532806
Std. Deviation: 9.197104
Minimum: 5.000000
1st Quartile: 17.025000
Median: 21.200000
3rd Quartile: 25.000000
Maximum: 50.000000
Type: Float64
Let's load the decision tree regressor
DecisionTreeRegressor = @load DecisionTreeRegressor pkg=DecisionTree
import MLJDecisionTreeInterface ✔
Let's first check the performances of just a single Decision Tree Regressor (DTR for short):
tree = machine(DecisionTreeRegressor(), X, y)
e = evaluate!(tree, resampling=Holdout(fraction_train=0.8),
measure=[rms, rmslp1])
PerformanceEvaluation object with these fields:
model, measure, operation,
measurement, per_fold, per_observation,
fitted_params_per_fold, report_per_fold,
train_test_rows, resampling, repeats
│ │ measure │ operation │ measurement │
│ A │ RootMeanSquaredError() │ predict │ 7.06 │
│ B │ RootMeanSquaredLogProportionalError( │ predict │ 0.328 │
│ │ offset = 1) │ │ │
Note that multiple measures can be reported simultaneously.
Let's create an ensemble of DTR and fix the number of subfeatures to 3 for now.
forest = EnsembleModel(model=DecisionTreeRegressor())
forest.model.n_subfeatures = 3
(NB: we could have fixed n_subfeatures
in the DTR constructor too).
To get an idea of how many trees are needed, we can follow the evaluation of the error (say the rms
) for an increasing number of tree over several sampling round.
rng = StableRNG(5123) # for reproducibility
m = machine(forest, X, y)
r = range(forest, :n, lower=10, upper=1000)
curves = learning_curve(m, resampling=Holdout(fraction_train=0.8, rng=rng),
range=r, measure=rms);
let's plot the curves
using Plots
plot(curves.parameter_values, curves.measurements,
xticks = [10, 100, 250, 500, 750, 1000],
size=(800,600), linewidth=2, legend=false)
xlabel!("Number of trees")
ylabel!("Root Mean Squared error")
Let's go for 150 trees
forest.n = 150;
As forest
is a composite model, it has nested hyperparameters:
params(forest) |> pprint
(model = (max_depth = -1,
min_samples_leaf = 5,
min_samples_split = 2,
min_purity_increase = 0.0,
n_subfeatures = 3,
post_prune = false,
merge_purity_threshold = 1.0,
feature_importance = :impurity,
rng = Random._GLOBAL_RNG()),
atomic_weights = [],
bagging_fraction = 0.8,
rng = Random._GLOBAL_RNG(),
n = 150,
acceleration = ComputationalResources.CPU1{Nothing}(nothing),
out_of_bag_measure = [])
Let's define a range for the number of subfeatures and for the bagging fraction:
r_sf = range(forest, :(model.n_subfeatures), lower=1, upper=12)
r_bf = range(forest, :bagging_fraction, lower=0.4, upper=1.0);
And build a tuned model as usual that we fit on a 80/20 split. We use a low-resolution grid here to make this tutorial faster but you could of course use a finer grid.
tuned_forest = TunedModel(model=forest,
resampling=CV(nfolds=6, rng=StableRNG(32)),
ranges=[r_sf, r_bf],
m = machine(tuned_forest, X, y)
e = evaluate!(m, resampling=Holdout(fraction_train=0.8),
measure=[rms, rmslp1])
PerformanceEvaluation object with these fields:
model, measure, operation,
measurement, per_fold, per_observation,
fitted_params_per_fold, report_per_fold,
train_test_rows, resampling, repeats
│ │ measure │ operation │ measurement │
│ A │ RootMeanSquaredError() │ predict │ 3.96 │
│ B │ RootMeanSquaredLogProportionalError( │ predict │ 0.249 │
│ │ offset = 1) │ │ │
Again, we can visualize the results from the hyperparameter search
Even though we've only done a very rough search, it seems that around 7 sub-features and a bagging fraction of around 0.75
work well.
Now that the machine m
is trained, you can use use it for predictions (implicitly, this will use the best model). For instance we could look at predictions on the whole dataset:
ŷ = predict(m, X)
@show rms(ŷ, y)
rms(ŷ, y) = 2.393525853933367