Horse colic data
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In this example, we consider the UCI "horse colic" dataset
This is a reasonably messy classification problem with missing values etc and so some work should be expected in the feature processing.
The data is pre-split in training and testing and we will keep it as such
using MLJ
using HTTP
using CSV
import DataFrames: DataFrame, select!, Not
req1 = HTTP.get("")
req2 = HTTP.get("")
header = ["surgery", "age", "hospital_number",
"rectal_temperature", "pulse",
"respiratory_rate", "temperature_extremities",
"peripheral_pulse", "mucous_membranes",
"capillary_refill_time", "pain",
"peristalsis", "abdominal_distension",
"nasogastric_tube", "nasogastric_reflux",
"nasogastric_reflux_ph", "feces", "abdomen",
"packed_cell_volume", "total_protein",
"abdomcentesis_appearance", "abdomcentesis_total_protein",
"outcome", "surgical_lesion", "lesion_1", "lesion_2", "lesion_3",
csv_opts = (header=header, delim=' ', missingstring="?",
data_train =, DataFrame; csv_opts...)
data_test =, DataFrame; csv_opts...)
@show size(data_train)
@show size(data_test)
size(data_train) = (300, 28)
size(data_test) = (68, 28)
To simplify the analysis, we will drop the columns Lesion *
as they would need specific re-encoding which would distract us a bit.
unwanted = [:lesion_1, :lesion_2, :lesion_3]
data = vcat(data_train, data_test)
select!(data, Not(unwanted));
Let's also keep track of the initial train-test split
train = 1:nrows(data_train)
test = last(train) .+ (1:nrows(data_test));
We know from reading the description that some of these features represent multiclass data; to facilitate the interpretation, we can use autotype
from ScientificTypes
. By default, autotype
will check all columns and suggest a Finite type assuming there are relatively few distinct values in the column. More sophisticated rules can be passed, see ScientificTypes.jl:
coerce!(data, autotype(data));
Let's see column by column whether it looks ok now
│ names │ scitypes │ types │
│ surgery │ Union{Missing, OrderedFactor{2}} │ Union{Missing, CategoricalValue{Int64, UInt32}} │
│ age │ OrderedFactor{2} │ CategoricalValue{Int64, UInt32} │
│ hospital_number │ Count │ Int64 │
│ rectal_temperature │ Union{Missing, Continuous} │ Union{Missing, Float64} │
│ pulse │ Union{Missing, Count} │ Union{Missing, Int64} │
│ respiratory_rate │ Union{Missing, Count} │ Union{Missing, Int64} │
│ temperature_extremities │ Union{Missing, OrderedFactor{4}} │ Union{Missing, CategoricalValue{Int64, UInt32}} │
│ peripheral_pulse │ Union{Missing, OrderedFactor{4}} │ Union{Missing, CategoricalValue{Int64, UInt32}} │
│ mucous_membranes │ Union{Missing, OrderedFactor{6}} │ Union{Missing, CategoricalValue{Int64, UInt32}} │
│ capillary_refill_time │ Union{Missing, OrderedFactor{3}} │ Union{Missing, CategoricalValue{Int64, UInt32}} │
│ pain │ Union{Missing, OrderedFactor{5}} │ Union{Missing, CategoricalValue{Int64, UInt32}} │
│ peristalsis │ Union{Missing, OrderedFactor{4}} │ Union{Missing, CategoricalValue{Int64, UInt32}} │
│ abdominal_distension │ Union{Missing, OrderedFactor{4}} │ Union{Missing, CategoricalValue{Int64, UInt32}} │
│ nasogastric_tube │ Union{Missing, OrderedFactor{3}} │ Union{Missing, CategoricalValue{Int64, UInt32}} │
│ nasogastric_reflux │ Union{Missing, OrderedFactor{3}} │ Union{Missing, CategoricalValue{Int64, UInt32}} │
│ nasogastric_reflux_ph │ Union{Missing, OrderedFactor{24}} │ Union{Missing, CategoricalValue{Float64, UInt32}} │
│ feces │ Union{Missing, OrderedFactor{4}} │ Union{Missing, CategoricalValue{Int64, UInt32}} │
│ abdomen │ Union{Missing, OrderedFactor{5}} │ Union{Missing, CategoricalValue{Int64, UInt32}} │
│ packed_cell_volume │ Union{Missing, Continuous} │ Union{Missing, Float64} │
│ total_protein │ Union{Missing, Continuous} │ Union{Missing, Float64} │
│ abdomcentesis_appearance │ Union{Missing, OrderedFactor{3}} │ Union{Missing, CategoricalValue{Int64, UInt32}} │
│ abdomcentesis_total_protein │ Union{Missing, Continuous} │ Union{Missing, Float64} │
│ outcome │ Union{Missing, OrderedFactor{3}} │ Union{Missing, CategoricalValue{Int64, UInt32}} │
│ surgical_lesion │ OrderedFactor{2} │ CategoricalValue{Int64, UInt32} │
│ cp_data │ OrderedFactor{2} │ CategoricalValue{Int64, UInt32} │
Most columns are now treated as either Multiclass or Ordered, this corresponds to the description of the data. For instance:
is described as1=yes / 2=no
is described as1=adult / 2=young
Inspecting the rest of the descriptions and the current scientific type, there are a few more things that can be observed:
hospital number is still a count, this means that there are relatively many hospitals and so that's probably not very useful,
pulse and respiratory rate are still as count but the data description suggests that they can be considered as continuous
yeah let's drop that
data = select!(data, Not(:hospital_number));
let's also coerce the pulse and respiratory rate, by coercing all remaining Count
features to Continuous
coerce!(data, Count => Continuous)
│ names │ scitypes │ types │
│ surgery │ Union{Missing, OrderedFactor{2}} │ Union{Missing, CategoricalValue{Int64, UInt32}} │
│ age │ OrderedFactor{2} │ CategoricalValue{Int64, UInt32} │
│ rectal_temperature │ Union{Missing, Continuous} │ Union{Missing, Float64} │
│ pulse │ Union{Missing, Continuous} │ Union{Missing, Float64} │
│ respiratory_rate │ Union{Missing, Continuous} │ Union{Missing, Float64} │
│ temperature_extremities │ Union{Missing, OrderedFactor{4}} │ Union{Missing, CategoricalValue{Int64, UInt32}} │
│ peripheral_pulse │ Union{Missing, OrderedFactor{4}} │ Union{Missing, CategoricalValue{Int64, UInt32}} │
│ mucous_membranes │ Union{Missing, OrderedFactor{6}} │ Union{Missing, CategoricalValue{Int64, UInt32}} │
│ capillary_refill_time │ Union{Missing, OrderedFactor{3}} │ Union{Missing, CategoricalValue{Int64, UInt32}} │
│ pain │ Union{Missing, OrderedFactor{5}} │ Union{Missing, CategoricalValue{Int64, UInt32}} │
│ peristalsis │ Union{Missing, OrderedFactor{4}} │ Union{Missing, CategoricalValue{Int64, UInt32}} │
│ abdominal_distension │ Union{Missing, OrderedFactor{4}} │ Union{Missing, CategoricalValue{Int64, UInt32}} │
│ nasogastric_tube │ Union{Missing, OrderedFactor{3}} │ Union{Missing, CategoricalValue{Int64, UInt32}} │
│ nasogastric_reflux │ Union{Missing, OrderedFactor{3}} │ Union{Missing, CategoricalValue{Int64, UInt32}} │
│ nasogastric_reflux_ph │ Union{Missing, OrderedFactor{24}} │ Union{Missing, CategoricalValue{Float64, UInt32}} │
│ feces │ Union{Missing, OrderedFactor{4}} │ Union{Missing, CategoricalValue{Int64, UInt32}} │
│ abdomen │ Union{Missing, OrderedFactor{5}} │ Union{Missing, CategoricalValue{Int64, UInt32}} │
│ packed_cell_volume │ Union{Missing, Continuous} │ Union{Missing, Float64} │
│ total_protein │ Union{Missing, Continuous} │ Union{Missing, Float64} │
│ abdomcentesis_appearance │ Union{Missing, OrderedFactor{3}} │ Union{Missing, CategoricalValue{Int64, UInt32}} │
│ abdomcentesis_total_protein │ Union{Missing, Continuous} │ Union{Missing, Float64} │
│ outcome │ Union{Missing, OrderedFactor{3}} │ Union{Missing, CategoricalValue{Int64, UInt32}} │
│ surgical_lesion │ OrderedFactor{2} │ CategoricalValue{Int64, UInt32} │
│ cp_data │ OrderedFactor{2} │ CategoricalValue{Int64, UInt32} │
There's quite a lot of missing values, in this tutorial we'll be a bit rough in how we deal with them applying the following rules of thumb:
drop the rows where the outcome is unknown
drop columns with more than 20% missing values
simple imputation of whatever's left
missing_outcome = ismissing.(data.outcome)
idx_missing_outcome = missing_outcome |> findall
2-element Vector{Int64}:
Ok there's only two row which is nice, let's remove them from the train/test indices:
train = setdiff!(train |> collect, idx_missing_outcome)
test = setdiff!(test |> collect, idx_missing_outcome)
all = vcat(train, test);
Now let's look at how many missings there are per features
for name in names(data)
col = data[all, name]
ratio_missing = sum(ismissing.(col)) / length(all) * 100
println(rpad(name, 30), round(ratio_missing, sigdigits=3))
surgery 0.0
age 0.0
rectal_temperature 18.9
pulse 7.1
respiratory_rate 19.4
temperature_extremities 17.5
peripheral_pulse 22.7
mucous_membranes 13.1
capillary_refill_time 10.4
pain 17.2
peristalsis 13.9
abdominal_distension 17.5
nasogastric_tube 35.5
nasogastric_reflux 36.1
nasogastric_reflux_ph 81.1
feces 34.7
abdomen 39.1
packed_cell_volume 9.84
total_protein 11.5
abdomcentesis_appearance 52.7
abdomcentesis_total_protein 63.9
outcome 0.0
surgical_lesion 0.0
cp_data 0.0
Let's drop the ones with more than 20% (quite a few!)
unwanted = [:peripheral_pulse, :nasogastric_tube, :nasogastric_reflux,
:nasogastric_reflux_ph, :feces, :abdomen,
:abdomcentesis_appearance, :abdomcentesis_total_protein]
select!(data, Not(unwanted));
Note that we could have done this better and investigated the nature of the features for which there's a lot of missing values but don't forget that our goal is to showcase MLJ!
Let's conclude by filling all missing values and separating the features from the target:
@load FillImputer
filler = machine(FillImputer(), data[all, :]) |> fit!
data = MLJ.transform(filler, data)
y, X = unpack(data, ==(:outcome)); # a vector and a table
import MLJModels ✔
Let's define a first sensible model and get a baseline, basic steps are:
one-hot-encode the categoricals
feed all this into a classifier
@load OneHotEncoder
MultinomialClassifier = @load MultinomialClassifier pkg="MLJLinearModels"
import MLJModels ✔
import MLJLinearModels ✔
Let's have convenient handles over the training data
Xtrain = X[train,:]
ytrain = y[train];
And let's define a pipeline corresponding to the operations above
pipe = OneHotEncoder() |> MultinomialClassifier()
one_hot_encoder = OneHotEncoder(
features = Symbol[],
drop_last = false,
ordered_factor = true,
ignore = false),
multinomial_classifier = MultinomialClassifier(
lambda = 2.220446049250313e-16,
gamma = 0.0,
penalty = :l2,
fit_intercept = true,
penalize_intercept = false,
scale_penalty_with_samples = true,
solver = nothing),
cache = true)
Here are log loss and accuracy estimates of model performance, obtained by training on 90% of the train
data, and computing the measures on the remaining 10%:
metrics = [log_loss, accuracy]
pipe, Xtrain, ytrain;
resampling = Holdout(fraction_train=0.9),
measures = metrics,
PerformanceEvaluation object with these fields:
model, measure, operation,
measurement, per_fold, per_observation,
fitted_params_per_fold, report_per_fold,
train_test_rows, resampling, repeats
│ │ measure │ operation │ measurement │
│ A │ LogLoss( │ predict │ 0.835 │
│ │ tol = 2.22045e-16) │ │ │
│ B │ Accuracy() │ predict_mode │ 0.667 │
If we perform cross-validation instead, we also get a very rough idea of the uncertainties in our estimates ("SE" is "standard error"):
evaluate(pipe, Xtrain, ytrain; resampling=CV(nfolds=6), measures=metrics)
PerformanceEvaluation object with these fields:
model, measure, operation,
measurement, per_fold, per_observation,
fitted_params_per_fold, report_per_fold,
train_test_rows, resampling, repeats
│ │ measure │ operation │ measurement │
│ A │ LogLoss( │ predict │ 0.735 │
│ │ tol = 2.22045e-16) │ │ │
│ B │ Accuracy() │ predict_mode │ 0.686 │
│ │ per_fold │ 1.96*SE │
│ A │ [0.978, 0.566, 0.65, 0.525, 0.91, 0.78] │ 0.162 │
│ B │ [0.62, 0.74, 0.68, 0.72, 0.64, 0.714] │ 0.0418 │
And for a final comparison, here's how we do on the test set, which we have not yet touched:
mach = machine(pipe, Xtrain, ytrain) |> fit!
fit!(mach, verbosity=0)
yhat_prob = predict(mach, X[test,:])
m = log_loss(yhat_prob, y[test])
println("log loss: ", round(m, sigdigits=4))
yhat = mode.(yhat_prob)
m = accuracy(yhat, y[test])
println("accuracy: ", round(m, sigdigits=4))
log loss: 0.965
accuracy: 0.7164
That's not bad at all actually.
Since our data set is relatively small, we do not expect a statistically significant improvement with hyperparameter tuning. However, for the sake of illustration we'll attempt this.
lambdas = range(pipe, :(multinomial_classifier.lambda), lower=1e-3, upper=100, scale=:log10)
tuned_pipe = TunedModel(
range=lambdas, measure=log_loss,
mach = machine(tuned_pipe, Xtrain, ytrain) |> fit!
best_pipe = fitted_params(mach).best_model
one_hot_encoder = OneHotEncoder(
features = Symbol[],
drop_last = false,
ordered_factor = true,
ignore = false),
multinomial_classifier = MultinomialClassifier(
lambda = 0.06951927961775606,
gamma = 0.0,
penalty = :l2,
fit_intercept = true,
penalize_intercept = false,
scale_penalty_with_samples = true,
solver = nothing),
cache = true)
evaluate!(mach; resampling=CV(nfolds=6), measures=metrics)
PerformanceEvaluation object with these fields:
model, measure, operation,
measurement, per_fold, per_observation,
fitted_params_per_fold, report_per_fold,
train_test_rows, resampling, repeats
│ │ measure │ operation │ measurement │
│ A │ LogLoss( │ predict │ 0.706 │
│ │ tol = 2.22045e-16) │ │ │
│ B │ Accuracy() │ predict_mode │ 0.686 │
│ │ per_fold │ 1.96*SE │
│ A │ [0.798, 0.63, 0.638, 0.528, 0.866, 0.774] │ 0.111 │
│ B │ [0.68, 0.7, 0.7, 0.74, 0.64, 0.653] │ 0.0317 │
So, not likely a statistically significant difference. Nevertheless, let's see how we do with accuracy on a holdout set:
fit!(mach) # fit on all the train data
yhat = predict_mode(mach, X[test,:])
m = accuracy(yhat, y[test])
println("accuracy: ", round(m, sigdigits=4))
accuracy: 0.7612
So an improvement after all on the test set.
We've probably reached the limit of a simple linear model.
There are lots of categoricals, so maybe it's just better to use something that deals well with that like a tree-based classifier.
EvoTreeClassifier = @load EvoTreeClassifier
model = EvoTreeClassifier()
mach = machine(model, Xtrain, ytrain)
evaluate!(mach; resampling=CV(nfolds=6), measures=metrics)
import EvoTrees ✔
PerformanceEvaluation object with these fields:
model, measure, operation,
measurement, per_fold, per_observation,
fitted_params_per_fold, report_per_fold,
train_test_rows, resampling, repeats
│ │ measure │ operation │ measurement │
│ A │ LogLoss( │ predict │ 0.848 │
│ │ tol = 2.22045e-16) │ │ │
│ B │ Accuracy() │ predict_mode │ 0.719 │
│ │ per_fold │ 1.96*SE │
│ A │ [0.903, 0.699, 0.917, 0.694, 0.9, 0.98] │ 0.106 │
│ B │ [0.78, 0.68, 0.7, 0.8, 0.64, 0.714] │ 0.0532 │
That's better accuracy, although not significantly better, than the other CV estimates based on train
, and without any tuning. Do we actually do better on the test
fit!(mach) # fit on all the train data
yhat = predict_mode(mach, X[test,:])
m = accuracy(yhat, y[test])
println("accuracy: ", round(m, sigdigits=4))
accuracy: 0.791
So, the best so far.
We could investigate more, try tuning etc, but the key points of this tutorial was to show how to handle data with missing values.